Protein arginine N-methyltransferase 7
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Protein arginine N-methyltransferase 7, encoded by PRMT7, is a SAM dependent methyltransferase that acts on specific arginines in two small nuclear ribonucleoproteins and histone H4. These substrates are highly positively charged, while the PRMT7 features a cavity with a strong negative charge next to the SAM cofactor, suggesting this may be the binding region with the substrates.
Structurally, it can form a homodimer, but the monomer itself is a pseudodimer. Composed of:
- N-terminal SAM binding domain
- N-terminal beta barrel
- N-terminal dimerisation arm
- C-terminal SAM binding domain
- C-terminal dimerisation arm
- C-terminal beta barrel
A variety of variants have been described:
Family 1
Reported in Valenzuela et al. 2018
Compound het:
- p.Glu144fs (remnant/missing/overlay)
- p.Val416fs (remnant/missing/overlay)
Family 2
Reported in Kernohan et al. 2017
Homozygous large scale genomic deletion
Family 3
Reported in Akawi et al. 2015
Compound het:
- Altered splicing
- p.Trp494Arg (wild type/mutant/overlay). A buried pi-stacking tryptophan is replaced by a differently shaped charged residues resulting in a large loss of stability (∆∆G=11 kcal/mol)
Family 4
Reported in Akawi et al. 2015
Compound het:
- p.Arg32Thr (wild type/mutant/overlay). This mutation has a near neglible effect on protein folding (+1.8 kcal/mol), however thsi residue is frequently found monomethylated (cf. PhosphositePlus)
- p.Arg387Gly (wild type/mutant/overlay). This mutation replaces an arginine, which forms two salt bridges, with glycine, the smallest residue, resulting in ∆∆G of 5 kcal/mol.
Family 5
Reported in Akawi et al. 2015 and our study
Compound het:
- Altered splicing
- p.Arg32Thr (wild type/mutant/overlay)). Discussed above.
Family 6
Reported in Birnbaum et al. 2018
- p.Arg358fs*9 (remnant/missing/overlay)
Family 7
Reported in Agolini et al. 2018 and our study
- p.Glu108Ter (remnant/missing/overlay)
Family 8
Reported in Agolini et al. 2019
- p.Arg497Gln (wild type/mutant/overlay). This mutation to a shorter residue results in a less satified charge interaction, resulting in a ∆∆G of 8 kcal/mol.
Family 9
Reported in Dr. Ghada
- p.Gln64* (remnant/missing/overlay)
Family 10
Reported in Mario Bengala
Compound het:
- p.Met81del (wild type Met81/wild type helix+loop/variant helix+loop/overlay (backbone)/overlay (residues)). This deletion removes a residue from an α helix close to the SAM ligand. As a result there are three possibilities, (a) a hairpin is formed, which is not structurally possible (∆∆G over 50 kcal/mol), (b)/(c) residues on one of the sides would be shifted by 100°, as one side is part of the substrate binding pocket, this would result in a loss of function, however the far side of the helix cannot satisfactorily accomdate the change (∆∆G 27 kcal/mol). Therefore this variant is deleterious under all three options.
- Altered splicing
Family 11
Reported in LOVD
Compound het:
- p.Leu78Phefs*24 (remnant/missing/overlay)
- Genomic rearrangement
Family 12
Reported in our study
- p.Tyr670Metfs*27 (remnant/missing/overlay)
Family 13
Reported in our study
- p.Glu94Lys (wild type/mutant/overlay)). This is a destabilising mutation (15 kcal/mol without bound SAH), majorly it replaces a SAM-binding negatively charged residue for a positive one as a result SAM binding is highly abrogated (-28 kcal/mol to -15 kcal/mol).
Family 14
Reported in our study
Compound het:
- Altered splicing
- p.Glu125Gly (wild type/mutant/overlay). This mutation replaces a surface glutamate with a glycine. However, the residue is part of turn and hydrogen bonds with His122 backbone, consequently the loss of hydrogen bonding results in a ∆∆G of +8 kcal/mol. Furthermore, it is less than 8 Å away from SAM.
Family 15
Reported in our study
Compound het:
- p.Cys226Thrfs*4 (remnant/missing/overlay)
- p.Tyr334Leufs*8 (remnant/missing/overlay)
Family 16
Reported in our study
Compound het:
- Altered splicing
- p.Arg274* (remnant/missing/overlay)
Family 17
Reported in our study
Compound het:
- Altered splicing
- p.Cys571Arg (wild type/mutant/overlay). Cys571 and Cys639 do not form a disulfide bond in the mouse PDB:4C4A, which was expressed in a baculovirus expression system, even if their Cβ are 5 Å apart.
Family 18
Reported in our study
Compound het:
- p.I292Sfs*45 (remnant/missing/overlay)
- p.Glu160Profs*5 (remnant/missing/overlay)
Family 19
Reported in our study
- p.Q369X (remnant/missing/overlay)
Family 20
Reported in our study
Compound het:
- p.Cys671* (remnant/missing/overlay)
- Altered splicing
Family 21
Reported in our study
- p.Gln28Ter (remnant/missing/overlay)
Family 22
Reported in DECIPHER 317828
- p.Leu78PhefsTer24 (remnant/missing/overlay)
Family 23
Reported in DECIPHER 305814
Compound het:
- p.Lys115IlefsTer13 (remnant/missing/overlay)
- p.Arg32Thr (wild type/mutant/overlay)
Family 24
Reported in our study
- Altered splicing
Methods and models are deposited in github.